Freelancing skills

Succeeding On Freelance Job Websites

Apart from the all the above tips for freelancing success ('Client flow', pricing, proposals, networking etc), some tips for successful dealings on the freelance job websites such as Odesk etc:


Part 1: Your profile

Manage your reputation: To build a 5-Star reputation, get happy and prompt feedback from clients. This is easy when you complete your projects on time, and interacting with your client on a timely and respectful basis.

Also make your profile stand out by mentioning your USP (Unique Selling Points) clearly. Sell benefits, not features.


Part 2: Reading and bidding for projects


Read the project description carefully, so you don't miss out any important detail.

Keep your bid clear, concise and to the point, making it easy for the client to scan quickly as they go through the bid submissions.

State your terms clearly: The cost, the time and any other terms.

Proofread your bid for misspellings and grammar mistakes before you submit it.


Part 3: Handling the project


Stay Connected: Clients will like you better, and will have better peace of mind if you keep them in loop with timely project updates etc.

When in doubt, ask: Constant communication wards off all misunderstandings and confusion with multi-location online project work.

Respond quickly: Clients also like it very much when their freelancers gets back with answers to their questions promptly.


Part 4: General work experience


Set clear expectations: Let the clients be in the know at all times about project updates, problems, holdups etc. Never put the client in dark with lame excuses and unreasonable demands.

Under-promise, over-deliver: This is the gold standard of freelancing. This is a better way of this writer's favorite tip for freelancer, 'always do something extra for the client'.


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