Career success

How You Can Be A Leader / Expert In Your Field

Personal branding

Essential things you should know about becoming a leader/expert in your field.   1. Be the best at what you do. The difference between #1 and #2 in any industry is growing wider in all the ...
Career success

How To Market Yourself and Sell Yourself Better

Personal branding

1. Seth Godin said, 'Marketing is a contest for people's attention.' The best way for us to market ourselves in the working world is to bring value to those who need it.   2. Ma...
Career success

How To Do Performance Reviews And Come Out Aces

1. The annual performance review is a measure of how secure your job is, and how much more (or less) you are going to make in the next year. The main thing to know about performance review is make sur...
Career success

A Quick Guide to Mentors

1. A mentor is someone who helps you succeed. Most of the time, a mentor comes from our own field (in the movies, it is an older person who has done it all, seen it all, and is often sad, but that is ...
Career success

The Essential Guide To Getting Job Promotions and Rising Up In Your Dream Career

1. The best way to get job promotions is to do good work, make people happy and satisfied, and let the boss know about your good work record. Do this consistently, and that promotion will be yours. ...
Career success

How to Get a Salary Raise You Deserve


1. To get a salary raise, it is not enough to be great at your job and working harder than others. Document your good performance: You also need to keep records of your good works, your achievements (...
Career success

How To Negotiate Your Salary, The Ultimate Guide

Salary negotiation | Salary

Salary Negotiation 101: 1. Prepare: Know your numbers. Research what the salary ranges (e.g. are at the company you’re applying for and what the salary ranges are for comparabl...
Career success

How To Successfully Work From Home (Or Telecommute Painlessly)

Remote work

Working from Home (companies often call it telecommuting or remote working) started out a promise. No more of those horrible, crowded daily commutes and more time with your family. It works too. Until...
Career success

How To Have A Career During Difficult Times

Another name for this guide can definitely be 'how to be indispensable'. The answer for becoming recession-proof and future-proofing your career is common-sensical enough- We can survive any d...
Career success

Networking To Build Your Career

Job search

Networking is the secret to getting a job. They say 1/3 of all jobs come from people we know, 1/3 are only advertised inside companies and 1/3 are from standard job advertisements.   Fo...