Communication Skills

Communication skills are about saying the relevant stuff verbally and non-verbally, making friends by doing the 'give and take'. Communication skills are more than verbal and non-verbal communication. They are also about making a good impression, about having a presence and so on.


Here are some communication skills facts from the internet: 1. 95% of divorces are caused by a "lack of communication". 2. We listen at a rate of 125-250 words per minute, but think at 1,000-3,000 words per minute. The figures may not stand up to scrutiny but there is some truth in these facts.


Basically, we need good communication skills to succeed at job interviews, negotiations, presentations, public speaking, and to move ahead in our professional lives.



Communication Skills
  1. Teamwork Skills: How To Work In A Team Effectively
  2. How To Make (And Refute) Arguments
  3. How To Win An Argument
  4. How To Criticize
  5. Seven Simple Ways To Give Praise
  6. How To Complain
  7. Culture Smarts: Taking In Cultural Cues From Across The World
  8. How To (Really) Control Your Emotions
  9. Basics Of Phone Etiquette
  10. A Simple Guide To Non-Verbal Communication
  11. Checklist: Most Irritating And Overused Phrases We Hear At Work
  12. Checklist: Mistakes You Must Avoid In A Work Email
  13. Checklist: 10 Things on How You Can Be Polite
  14. How to change people's minds: Use this 350-year old trick, now backed up by psychologists
  15. Infographic: Body Language Cues and Spotting Lies
  16. Social Skills: Seven Things Everyone Should Know
  17. The 30 most important things about effective communication everyone must know
  18. Nine Things You Should Know About Interpersonal Skills
  19. How To Overcome Your Shyness, The Ultimate Guide
  20. Dead Poets Society: Use Better Words
  21. A Simple Guide To Introverts
  22. How You Can Overcome Social Anxiety
  23. 25+ Effective Networking Tactics To Improve Your Networking Skills
  24. How To Master The Basic Meet And Greet
  25. Master The Power Pose In Two Minutes
  26. The 20 All-Time Best Pieces Of Relationship Advice Ever
  27. How To Build Great Professional Relationships
  28. 30+ Techniques About Killing It With Public Speaking
  29. How To Give Impromptu Speeches
  30. How To Be A Smart/Witty Talker
  31. How To Speak And Influence People Like Barack Obama
  32. The 20 Best Tips For Speaking Better
  33. 100+ Useful Techniques For Great Small Talk
  34. Question Skills: How We Can Be Great At Asking Questions
  35. How To Give Feedback
  36. Active Listening Skills (How To Be A Great Listener)
  37. Presentation Skills: How To Give Great Presentations
  38. Rhetoric: Using Language Better To Communicate Effectively And Persuasively
  39. How To Be Assertive
  40. A Simple Guide To Understanding Body Language
  41. 15+ Tricks That Will Help You Catch People Lying
  42. 12 Essential Skills Politicians Need
  43. 11 Really Useful NLP Techniques
  44. A Simple Guide To Emotional Intelligence
  45. Empathy
  46. How To Be Charismatic
  47. How To Develop Presence
  48. How To Be Charming, Likeable, And Interesting
  49. Personality Development: How You Can Improve Your Personality
  50. 20+ Tips On Handling Difficult People
  51. How To Run And Participate In Effective Meetings